Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Notes from Parents and Students

Last Sunday I taught a lesson on gratitude. In the lesson a story is told of an 80 year old woman who was a teacher for 50 years and only received one letter of appreciation. I told the girls in my class that that was very sad and most teachers have a file somewhere full of notes and cards from parents and students who have said they are a good teacher. I for one have that file and as we wrote thankyou notes to someone I encouraged the girls to choose a school teacher who they liked or was doing a good job and write a note to them. Those kind little notes we receive really mean a lot on days that are especially rough. Teachers can pull them out and be reminded that there are good days and that teaching is not as bad as it seems at the moment. While I have had my share of notes, emails, and calls that are very negative and I know I can't please everyone all the time it is nice to have those little reminders of the good things I am doing and that they are making a difference in the life of someone else. At this time of Thanksgiving I hope we all can share some appreciation for someone in our lives who has made a difference. It doesn't matter if that is a teacher, a friend, or a relative but it is important to recognize the blessings we have and work hard to be a blessing in the life of another person.

1 comment:

  1. I guess I have never really given this much thought. I mean I do have many notes and cards from students and parents that tell me how they feel; most of them are good:) but telling someone how they feel truly touches ones heart. I liked this post and I think I will use it in my class sometime over the holidays to help my students write to someone they appreciate and help them realize that notes of kindness go along way to bring joy to others. Thanks!!
